MPG 33.2
0-62 MPH 223g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £47,200
Per Month £683
MPG 33.2
0-62 MPH 223g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £47,200
Per Month £683
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £48,896
Per Month £701
MPG 33.2
0-62 MPH 223g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £48,608
Per Month £704
MPG 32.1
0-62 MPH 231g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £49,816
Per Month £722
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £50,544
Per Month £725
MPG 30.7
0-62 MPH 241g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £50,315
Per Month £730
MPG 30.7
0-62 MPH 241g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £50,315
Per Month £730
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £48,512
Per Month £734
MPG 32.8
0-62 MPH 225g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £50,813
Per Month £738
MPG 32.8
0-62 MPH 225g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £50,813
Per Month £738
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £51,512
Per Month £741
MPG 32.1
0-62 MPH 231g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £51,224
Per Month £743
MPG 33.2
0-62 MPH 224g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £50,912
Per Month £744
MPG 33.2
0-62 MPH 224g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £50,912
Per Month £744
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £51,622
Per Month £745
MPG 30.7
0-62 MPH 241g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £51,724
Per Month £750
MPG 30.1
0-62 MPH 246g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £52,231
Per Month £754
MPG 30.1
0-62 MPH 246g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £52,231
Per Month £754
MPG 32.8
0-62 MPH 226g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £52,022
Per Month £756
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £52,963
Per Month £762
MPG 33.2
0-62 MPH 224g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £52,273
Per Month £763
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £53,269
Per Month £769
MPG 30.1
0-62 MPH 246g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £52,928
Per Month £769
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £50,815
Per Month £770
MPG 29.7
0-62 MPH 248g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £53,473
Per Month £773
MPG 29.7
0-62 MPH 248g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £53,473
Per Month £773
MPG 30.1
0-62 MPH 246g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £53,640
Per Month £775
MPG 31.7
0-62 MPH 234g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £53,429
Per Month £777
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £51,641
Per Month £780
MPG 31.7
0-62 MPH 233g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £53,480
Per Month £782
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £54,238
Per Month £784
MPG 30.4
0-62 MPH 244g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £53,926
Per Month £785
MPG 32.8
0-62 MPH 225g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £53,743
Per Month £785
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £54,904
Per Month £788
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £54,940
Per Month £788
MPG 30.7
0-62 MPH 242g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £53,980
Per Month £789
MPG 30.7
0-62 MPH 242g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £53,980
Per Month £789
MPG 28.8
0-62 MPH 257g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £54,848
Per Month £793
MPG 29.7
0-62 MPH 248g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £54,882
Per Month £794
MPG 31.4
0-62 MPH 235g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £54,636
Per Month £795
MPG 32.8
0-62 MPH 225g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £54,718
Per Month £795
MPG 32.8
0-62 MPH 225g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £54,718
Per Month £795
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £55,168
Per Month £796
MPG 32.5
0-62 MPH 227g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £54,581
Per Month £800
MPG 32.5
0-62 MPH 227g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £54,581
Per Month £800
MPG 31.7
0-62 MPH 233g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £54,889
Per Month £802
MPG 30.1
0-62 MPH 245g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £55,135
Per Month £803
MPG 32.8
0-62 MPH 226g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £55,019
Per Month £804
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £55,688
Per Month £806
MPG 29.7
0-62 MPH 249g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £55,843
Per Month £809
MPG 30.7
0-62 MPH 242g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £55,388
Per Month £810
MPG 28.8
0-62 MPH 258g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £56,090
Per Month £812
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £56,587
Per Month £812
MPG 28.8
0-62 MPH 257g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £56,257
Per Month £814
MPG 32.8
0-62 MPH 225g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £56,126
Per Month £816
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £53,942
Per Month £816
MPG 32.5
0-62 MPH 228g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £55,895
Per Month £819
MPG 29.7
0-62 MPH 249g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £56,540
Per Month £824
MPG 31.7
0-62 MPH 234g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £56,359
Per Month £824
MPG 29.4
0-62 MPH 251g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,054
Per Month £827
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,556
Per Month £828
MPG 30.1
0-62 MPH 278g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £56,593
Per Month £828
MPG 29.4
0-62 MPH 251g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,184
Per Month £830
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,629
Per Month £831
MPG 30.4
0-62 MPH 244g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £56,856
Per Month £832
MPG 28.8
0-62 MPH 258g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,499
Per Month £832
MPG 31.7
0-62 MPH 233g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,334
Per Month £834
MPG 28.3
0-62 MPH 263g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,960
Per Month £834
MPG 31.4
0-62 MPH 236g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,197
Per Month £838
MPG 30.4
0-62 MPH 243g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,833
Per Month £842
MPG 30.4
0-62 MPH 243g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,833
Per Month £842
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,994
Per Month £842
MPG 30.1
0-62 MPH 246g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,694
Per Month £846
MPG 32.5
0-62 MPH 227g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,511
Per Month £847
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £59,935
Per Month £847
MPG 28.5
0-62 MPH 260g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £58,459
Per Month £848
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £59,006
Per Month £849
MPG 29.1
0-62 MPH 253g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £58,492
Per Month £849
MPG 32.5
0-62 MPH 228g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £58,435
Per Month £852
MPG 32.5
0-62 MPH 228g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £58,435
Per Month £852
MPG 28
0-62 MPH 264g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £59,202
Per Month £853
MPG 29.7
0-62 MPH 249g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £59,003
Per Month £853
MPG 29.7
0-62 MPH 249g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £59,003
Per Month £853
MPG 31.7
0-62 MPH 233g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £58,742
Per Month £854
MPG 29.7
0-62 MPH 249g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £58,774
Per Month £856
MPG 30.4
0-62 MPH 243g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £59,242
Per Month £862
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £57,332
Per Month £863
MPG 30.1
0-62 MPH 248g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £59,008
Per Month £865
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £56,936
Per Month £866
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £61,177
Per Month £866
MPG 32.5
0-62 MPH 228g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £58,891
Per Month £867
MPG 28.3
0-62 MPH 261g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £59,800
Per Month £868
MPG 32.5
0-62 MPH 229g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £59,748
Per Month £871
MPG 29.7
0-62 MPH 249g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £60,412
Per Month £874
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £60,947
Per Month £875
MPG 29.4
0-62 MPH 251g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £60,050
Per Month £875
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £59,238
Per Month £877
MPG 29.4
0-62 MPH 251g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £60,114
Per Month £877
MPG 29.7
0-62 MPH 248g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £60,446
Per Month £880
MPG 29.4
0-62 MPH 251g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £60,308
Per Month £885
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £61,312
Per Month £885
MPG 31.4
0-62 MPH 236g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £60,127
Per Month £885
MPG 31.4
0-62 MPH 237g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £61,051
Per Month £890
MPG 28.5
0-62 MPH 259g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £61,620
Per Month £892
MPG 30.1
0-62 MPH 246g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £60,624
Per Month £893
MPG 29.1
0-62 MPH 253g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £61,488
Per Month £897
MPG 30.1
0-62 MPH 246g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £61,548
Per Month £898
MPG 32.5
0-62 MPH 228g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £61,366
Per Month £899
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £59,238
Per Month £902
MPG 29.4
0-62 MPH 252g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £62,713
Per Month £910
MPG 28.5
0-62 MPH 259g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £63,029
Per Month £913
MPG 29.7
0-62 MPH 249g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £62,873
Per Month £918
MPG 32.5
0-62 MPH 229g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £62,744
Per Month £919
MPG 29.1
0-62 MPH 254g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £64,021
Per Month £929
MPG 28
0-62 MPH 265g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £64,732
Per Month £933
MPG 29.4
0-62 MPH 251g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £64,163
Per Month £937
MPG 31.4
0-62 MPH 237g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £63,982
Per Month £938
MPG 30.1
0-62 MPH 246g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £64,478
Per Month £945
MPG 45
0-62 MPH -
0-62 MPH -
P11D £66,707
Per Month £946
MPG 28.3
0-62 MPH 262g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £65,329
Per Month £949
MPG 29.4
0-62 MPH 252g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £65,644
Per Month £957
MPG 29.1
0-62 MPH 254g/km
0-62 MPH -
P11D £67,018
Per Month £978

Why Lease A MAN van with Willow Leasing?

Wondering whether to take advantage of our MAN van lease deals? MAN vans offer you a unique driving experience and a reliable partner in everyday life. Their TGE is built to be a jack of all trades; making sure they have a van available for whatever you need as they have body types available like panel van, chassis cab, crew cab and combi van. MAN vans also have the ideal equipment for more heavy-duty jobs and construction site locations. Thanks to all-wheel drive, the MAN van have expert off-road strength; making them perfect for the dirty work! The TGE is also available as an electric version aiming to help you go green while still offering the same levels of versatility and strength as their ICE counterparts.

Leasing a MAN van with a our contract hire deals gets you behind the wheel of a van that offers sophistication, practicality and experience in one big package; all for an affordable price.

The main benefit of leasing a MAN van with Willow Leasing is that you get a brand new van delivered directly to your home or place of work with manufacturer's warranty and road tax included. If you are interested in any of our MAN van leasing deals, all you need to do is choose the model you thinks suits you before selecting the derivative or version that you like best and input your chosen mileage, term leasing length and initial rental amount on the offer page. Our sales team will be in touch to help with a quote and to guide you through to getting you your next perfect van. Get in touch today and don't miss out on our expert MAN lease deals

What Are The Benefits Of Leasing A MAN van?

Nationwide Delivery

We offer free nationwide delivery across mainland UK on our wide range of MAN vans. This means you can sit back and lease your next MAN from the comfort of your home or office; hassle-free and simple!

Part Exchange Service

At Willow, we can offer a part exchange for your old vehicle! Get an easy and hassle-free way to sell your old car or van while leasing your brand new one! We can even arrange for your old van to be collected on the same day as your new one arrives.

Brand New MAN

When you lease a MAN through the team at Willow Leasing, you can be assured you are receiving the latest and most up-to-date model versions of your favourite MAN vans. This includes the newest technologies and upgrades available.

Price Matching Service

We have a price matching service available on these vans. so if you find another price on your next lease that you prefer, send it to us and challenge us to beat it. 


As of August 2022, you can lease a MAN TGE for just £421.86 (ex VAT) per month. This price is for a 12-month upfront contract so you would need to pay an initial rental of £5,062.32. With nationwide delivery, a part exchange option and five-star customer service, get in contact with Willow Leasing today on 0345 350 3776.

The body types available in the MAN range on the TGE are: Panel Van, Chassis Cab, Crew Cab, Combi Van and Minibus.

The TGE has a maximum load volume of 18.4m³, a maximum vehicle length of 7.4m and a maximum payload capacity of 5.5 tonnes. It can also tow up to 3,500kg as well.

Got a question? Feel free to get in touch to see how we can help.